Posts Tagged ‘ carbon footprint ’

Earth Day


If you didn’t notice today is what day, please log onto now! It is Earth Day. The google logo at the main page has this particular green design dedicated for today. 

I hope that all the friends around world would appreciate what the mother earth have given us and start living a greener life. 

Here are some small tips to live a greener life:

  1. Recycle. I’ve posted few entries about recycling kitchen wastes, King of all cleanersHomemade fertiliser.
  2. Turn off unecessary electric equipements. More tips at discovery.
  3. Use less paper. Print double side of the paper, do not print at all if possible.
  4. Buy only what is necessary. Try to avoid imported stuff or off season fruits/vege, it incur higher carbon footprint on transportation.

There are lot more tips you can find from Planet Green by Discovery Channel. Starts doing the above small tips today to benefit you and our planet!